Integration Info
About 1 min
Welcome to theAPI Integration Info feature!
Sandbox Env
Information you will need to get before integration
- Login merchant backend
Merchant ID
: Assigned to you a merchant ID, which will be used for every transaction.Merchant Secret
: It will be used when requesting a transaction to generate signature.Platform Public Key
: Used to verify that we call back your notification of order status when the order status is terminated.
Information you will need to set before integration
How To Config IPList
Ip white List
: your server ip address,Supports ipv4 and basic format ipv6.
How To Config CallbackUrl?
API Notify Address
: smilepayz will notify this callback URL once the order is completed.
How To Config RSA Public key?
- How to Generate Rsa Key? -> GenerateRsaKey
Remember to save your configuration
Production Env
Information you will need to get before integration
- Login merchant backend
Merchant ID
: Same description as Sandbox, but different values than Sandbox.Merchant Secret
: Same description as Sandbox, but different values than Sandbox.Platform Public Key
:Same description as Sandbox, but different values than Sandbox.
How To Config IPList ?
IP Whitelist
must be submitted to us for customer service to help you set up.
How To Config CallbackUrl
- Api Notify Address: smilepayz will notify this callback URL once the order is completed.
How To Config RSA Public key?
- And How to Generate Rsa Key? -> GenerateRsaKey
Remember to save your configuration
Information Demo code
- We provide several common development language demos.
- please refer to Api Integration Demo